We talk about all kinds of things related to Puerto Rico, from food and history to true crime and celebrities.
Special Episode - Pinto Podcast Christmas!
Happy Holidays! BoricuameRican is on a brief break, but Nancy wanted to share a Christmas-themed episode she recently recorded with her husband Chris on their other show, The Pinto Podcast. We cover Puerto Rican holiday traditions, trivia, those dreaded “Would You Rather" questions, and ponder the burning question: Where did our favorite Christmas specials go?
Now go make yourself comfortable with a glass of eggnog or coquito and enjoy!
¡ Felices Fiestas! BoricuameRican está en un breve descanso, pero Nancy quería compartir un episodio con temática navideña que grabó recientemente con su esposo Chris en su otro programa, The Pinto Podcast. Cubrimos las tradiciones navideñas puertorriqueñas, trivias, esas temidas preguntas de "¿Prefieres?" y reflexionamos sobre la pregunta candente: ¿A dónde fueron nuestros especiales navideños favoritos?
Ahora vayan y pongase cómodos con una copa de ponche o coquito y ¡a disfrutar!
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Big thanks to Santos Cornier for composing our intro and outro music. Check out his music here: / Muchas gracias a Santos Cornier por componer nuestra música de intro and outro. Escuche su musica aqui:
Thanks also to the following sites for music and sound effects: