We talk about all kinds of things related to Puerto Rico, from food and history to true crime and celebrities.
69 episodes
Historia de la Bandera Puertorriqueña
¿Cómo obtuvo su diseño la bandera de Puerto Rico?En este episodio vexilológico, hacemos un recorrido por todas las banderas que han ondeado en nuestra hermosa isla, desde las insignias que portaban Colón y su tripulación hasta la representa...
Episode 68

Bebidas de Puerto Rico: Cerveza y Vino
Como la mayoría de los seres humanos, los Boricuas disfrutan de sus bebidas adultas. Entre otras, está la omnipresente cerveza Medalla Light, pero la isla también cuenta con una serie de cervecerías artesanales de alta gama para todos los gusto...
Episode 67

Frankie Ruiz: El Papá de la Salsa
Talentoso. Carismático. Autodestructivo. Estamos hablando del premiado leyenda de la salsa Frankie Ruiz, quien permanece en nuestros corazones muchos años después de su muerte con tan solo 40 años . Sus canciones eran sexy y atrevidas (como en ...
Episode 66

Kokobalé/Cocobalé: ¡el arte marcial puertorriqueño fusionado con la bomba! (en español)
El Kokobalé es un arte marcial puertorriqueño único que combina la música de bomba con la lucha con palos y la esgrima con machete, y que tiene sus raíces en las tradiciones africanas y taínas. Originario de los africanos esclavizados que adapt...
Episode 65

Kokobalé/Cocobalé: Martial Art Marries Bomba
Kokobalé is a unique Puerto Rican martial art that blends bomba music with stick-fighting and machete fencing, rooted in African and Taino traditions. Originating from enslaved Africans who adapted their warrior dances into bomba, it became bot...
Episode 64

The Ortiz Site
The discovery of five skeletal remains from 4000 years ago in the coastal town of Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico.El descubrimiento de cinco restos esqueléticos de hace 4000 años en el pueblo costero de Boquerón, Cabo Rojo, Puerto ...
Episode 63

New Years Traditions in Puerto Rico
How do Puerto Ricans ring in the New Year? Hear about some of the traditions and let us know how YOU celebrate! ¿Cómo reciben el Año Nuevo los puertorriqueños? ¡Conozca algunas de las tradiciones y díganos cómo lo celebra USTED!
Episode 62

Alma’s Way: Alma’s Nochebuena; Three Kings Day Do-Over
We have a cute holiday episode for you today! We watched the PBS cartoon Alma's Way, about a Puerto Rican family living in the Bronx. In this episode we learned about Christmas Eve and Three Kings Day traditions, as well as how to navigate disa...
Episode 61

El Pirata Roberto Cofresí - Part 2
The life, crimes, death and influence of Puerto Rico's most notorious pirate. La vida, crímenes, muerte e influencia del pirata más notorio. Other episodes referenced:
Episode 60

The Legend of Jacho Centeno – and much more!
Our Halloween episode has it all! First, the story of a soul sentenced to roam the beaches of Puerto Rico to pay for his sins. Then there’s holiday trivia, sports talk, and why “whopping” sets Chris off. LA LEYENDA D...
Episode 59

El Pirata Roberto Cofresí - Part 1
We all know the story of Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Well, Puerto Rican lore contains such a hero. His name is Roberto Cofresí, and he is Puerto Rico’s most notorious pirate. Today is Part One of Cofresí's story. W...
Episode 58

Los jíbaros
Showing love to the Puerto Rican jíbaro!¡Mostrandole cariño al jíbaro puertorriqueño!
Episode 57

Skyjacker Rudolfo Rivera-Ríos
In August of 1970, Rudolfo Rivera-Rios boarded a Pan American flight bound for Puerto Rico, armed and eager to skyjack the 747 to Cuba. En agosto de 1970, Rudolfo Rivera-Ríos abordó un vuelo de Pan American con destino a Puerto Ric...
Episode 56

Bad Bunny: Musician, Actor, Model, Philanthropist, Activist, Wrestler
Surely by now you’ve heard of the ubiquitous Bad Bunny. He’s something for everyone. Maybe you’ve heard one of his many hit songs, saw him bring fire to the Grammys, or caught his appearances on SNL. Perhaps you saw him in Bullet Train! There’s...
Episode 55

Drinks of Puerto Rico, Part 2: The Bacardí Rum Empire
From its humble origins in Santiago de Cuba to a global empire worth billions, the story of the Bacardí Rum family will make your heart break and your jaw drop. Maybe listen to this after 5 o’clock!Desde sus humildes orígenes en San...
Episode 54

Spotlight on Jayuya, Puerto Rico
A little about the history and culture of this charming little town in the mountains of Central Puerto Rico.Un poco sobre la historia y cultura de este encantador pueblecito de las montañas del centro de Puerto Rico.
Episode 53

BoricuameRican Vacation in Puerto Rico! ¡Vacaciones en Puerto Rico!
Nancy and her husband Chris just spent 9 wonderful days with her parents in Arecibo! Among the many highlights: Taino museum (Museo el Cemí) and Casa Canales in Jayuya6th Annual Festival of the Sombrero in UtuadoPoza del Obispo beac...
Episode 52

Isla de Mona / Mona Island
This stunning gem situated 45 miles west of Mayagüez, along the Mona Passage, is a nature lover's dream. Beautiful beaches, a variety of wildlife, and caves full of Taino and European history offer endless opportunities for exploration an...
Episode 51

La Epifanía y Los Tres Reyes Magos / The Epiphany and The Three Wise Men
Today we learn a lot about Three Kings Day/Día de Reyes, a holiday that is revered even more than Christmas Day in Spanish-speaking lands.Hoy aprendemos mucho sobre el Día de Reyes, un festividad que es venerada incluso más que la Na...
Episode 50

Special Episode - Pinto Podcast Christmas!
Happy Holidays! BoricuameRican is on a brief break, but Nancy wanted to share a Christmas-themed episode she recently recorded with her husband Chris on their other show, The Pinto Podcast. We cover Puerto Rican holiday traditions, trivia...
Episode 49

Covina Christmas Eve Massacre
On December 24, 2008, Bruce Jeffrey Pardo showed up at his ex-in-laws’ home dressed up as Santa Claus and unleashed a reign of terror upon an entire innocent family. What drove him to plan such violence? What happened that night? And how are th...
Episode 48

Puerto Rican Boy Band Menudo - Nancy’s First Love!
Created in Puerto Rico in 1977, Menudo is the OG Latin boy band. Wildly talented, disciplined, and successful, they captured the hearts of fans throughout Puerto Rico, the US, and Latin America. This nostalgic episode covers their beginnings, r...
Episode 47

Taíno Beliefs on Creation, Burial, and the Afterlife
Who created the world? How did Taínos conduct burials? What went down in the afterlife? Taíno culture is beautiful! Hear about their creation gods, their funeral practices, and how they communicated with the spirit world. <...
Episode 46

Que Bonita Bandera: History of the Puerto Rican Flag / Historia de la Bandera Puertorriqueña
How did the Puerto Rican flag get its design?In this nerdy vexillological episode, we take you through all the flags that have flown on our beautiful island, from the ensigns carried by Columbus and his crew to the black and white represent...
Episode 45